Monday, January 1, 2018

How To Get Rid Of Body Odor

How To Get Rid Of Body Odor- Body odor known as bromihidrosis. Body odor arises when the bacteria in the body meet with sweat that has no odor and breed. The resulting odor is a breakdown of keratin proteins by bacteria on the surface of your skin. Usually, this occurs during puberty because of the increase in a hormone called androgens.
How To Get Rid Of Body Odor

Sweating is a normal body function that helps to regulate your body temperature. Sweating is a normal state, but excessive sweating or not sweating can indicate a medical problem in you.

Here's How to Eliminate Body Odor 

Body odor does not look at age and gender, because everyone can just experience it. However, there are some people who are at increased risk of having body odor, such as those who have reached puberty, men because they tend to sweat more than women, people who are overweight, people who eat spicy foods or certain beverages that produce scents like garlic or alcohol, and people with certain conditions such as diabetes or kidney failure.
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If you have body odor, you do not need to panic. Some ways to remove the following body odors can help you, including:
  • Keep your cleanlines
  • Bathe at least once a day or more during hot days. It can wash your sweat and reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin. Cleaning the body thoroughly especially areas prone to sweat, can reduce / eliminate your body odor.

  • Use antibacterial soap
  • You can clean your body and armpits by using antibacterial soap to remove body odor. Look for soap that says 'antibacterial'.
  • Dry the body properly
  • After you shower, immediately dry your body properly. Make sure the sweating area is completely dry. This is one way to eliminate body odor that is important to know. Because the bacteria that cause body odor have a difficult time to breed if your skin is dry.

  • Wearing clean clothes. Make sure you wash your clothes regularly. Not only that, you are also advised to choose clothes that fit the activity. For everyday wear, choose fabrics or natural materials, such as cotton, wool, and silk. It allows the skin to breathe. For exercise, you can choose synthetic materials for your skin moisture.

  • Limit your intake of spicy foods, such as curry or garlic, as both foods can cause a sweat to smell.

  • Try relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback therapy (a technique for controlling heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and other body functions). It can control stress that triggers sweat.
In addition to using the above, you can also try tips on eliminating body odor in a natural way, such as:
  • Baking soda
  • Baking soda apparently can be used as a substitute for deodorant. Baking soda is useful to neutralize acid and base, so it can eliminate body odor that you experience. In addition, baking soda will not stain your clothes like many antiperspirants are sold in the market.
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • In addition to baking soda, apple cider vinegar was also able to eliminate body odor. Not only body odor, apple cider vinegar can also be used for health conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, acne, and others

  • Tea tree oil
  • Tea tree oil is also thought to eliminate body odor. Not only that, tea tree oil was able to eliminate bad breath, skin allergies, acne, nail fungus, and other medical conditions.
Once you know how to get rid of body odor, you need not worry anymore. If you have done some of the ways that have been described before but your body odor never disappear, immediately consult a doctor to get treatment.

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