Saturday, November 11, 2017

Breast Cancer and its Treatment

Breast Cancer and its Treatment- Did you know breast cancer is a deadly disease in the world. This type of cancer is the most common cancer among women. Most breast cancer will occur sporadic (unrelated to inherited), and about 5% to 10% are familial breasts cancer. Familial breast cancer usually occurs at a sporadic age. Although all types of breast cancer can occur at any age, some of the ingredients become more often with age. For example, the proportion of higher breast cancer will be a hormone positive receptors Normal breast cells have receptors for female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which helps the breast develop during adolescence and pregnancy. When a Breast cancer develops, cells can store or lose this receptor. Receptor-positive hormone breast cancer tends to have more slow behavior (slowly developing). Receptorpositive breast cancer can also be treated more effectively with current cancer treatments.


Another receptor, Her2, was recently identified in breast cancer treatment. The smaller ones proportion of breast cancer cases in older women overexpress the Her2 receptor. Her2 receptors are receptors for molecules called epidermal growth factors. Many normal bodies cells reveal some Her2, but cancer cells sometimes have more receptors than normal cell. When Her2 is overexpressed, breast cancer is more aggressive but also more responsive to certain cancer therapies.\The standard approach to breast cancer treatment involves many strategies. 

Surgery Appointment may require lumpectomy (removal of cancer and normal tissue gap) or mastectomy (removal of the whole breast). Radiation therapy and / or chemotherapy are offered to those who have large tumors or lymph node involvement. If Her2 is overexpressed, Special antibody treatment is offered. If the hormone receptor tumor is positive, it is antiestrogen Therapy starts. Survival, if if breast cancer has become metastasized, may prolong Some years, especially if the spread is limited to bone or soft tissue.

For treatment purposes, colorectal cancers are divided into colon  cancers and rectal cancersbecause the approach is different for  each location. There is little change in the behavior of colon cancer as age advances. There is a trend toward having more cancers  on the right side of the colon versus the left side in older  patients. The primary treatment of a localized colorectal cancer is  surgery. This can be done at any age provided that the general  condition of the person permits safe anesthesia. If the surgery is  elective, there is very little increased risk in older patients compared with younger patients. In emergency situations, however, older patients experience more complications and deaths than do  younger patients.
You must see : 10 Types of Cancer
Therefore, efforts are made to prevent emergency  surgery or, if the patient presents with an acute situation, to try  to stabilize the situation with rapid treatments to improve the  ability of the person to withstand the stress of surgery. After  surgery, if the tumor invades the lymph nodes around the colon,  adjuvant (cancer medications even if the tumor appears to be removed  so as to prevent recurrence) chemotherapy should be given. Rectal  cancers arise in an area of the colon that is not wrapped in  peritoneum; that is, the special lining of the abdominal organs.  Therefore, the risk of local invasion and recurrence is higher. For  this reason, combined radiation and chemotherapy are frequently provided before or after surgery.

Metastatic disease is usually treated with chemo-therapy and targeted therapies (molecules or antibodies  that act against specific proteins believed to promote cancer  growth). If there are only a small number of tumors that have  spread, they may be removed surgically, sometimes leading to prevention of recurrence.
